Let Turbo Guy protect and serve your website, plus he’s just about the coolest guardian you could have!
When your business gets really busy, your website is often the first thing that starts being neglected. Small website problems start festering into huge issues, when nobody is watching. Your information starts getting outdated, hackers start chipping away at your website’s security, and your traffic starts outgrowing what your hosting account will allow before pulling the plug on you by surprise.
If you are a person that is an expert with “widgets” you probably don’t have the time to become an expert in technology and the internet. To get the help you need you need a partner, not a vendor. Someone you can trust. A “friendly superhero” to watch over things and keep you safe. To not only understand all the aspects of your website and your needs, but to have your back and your best interests in mind.
- Optional VPS Hosting
Quality Hosting Managed by TurboWebs - Bulletproof Backups
Nightly Database, Weekly Files, Offsite - Managed Software Updates
Regular Updating by a Real Person - TurboBoost Speed
Make Google and Visitors Happy - Super Vision
Uptime Monitoring - Laser Protection Grid
Hacks Never Even Get CLOSE - Monthly Site Report
SEO, Ranking and Support Report
Most popular!
What services are covered with the Guardian Safe Support Package?
Optional VPS Hosting
VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. That’s a bunch of mumbo tech speak though. What it does mean though is that each domain is in a container. Each container cannot use more than it’s supposed to, and in at least my case there are never more containers than a server can hold.
Did you know most shared hosting environments are “oversold”? They realize that most of the time you only use about 10% or less of what you pay for. So they charge you less, and put more people on the server to stay competitive. The problem occurs when someone actually uses what they are supposed to be allowed. Then your account pays the price.
This doesn’t happen on my servers. Most customers will see a significant speed improvement after moving even without the TurboBoost. The TurboBoost is just to really put it over the top. Even in the most heavily used environments your site will be fast. This makes Google happy (speed is a ranking factor) and more importantly it makes your visitors happy. They don’t have any patience, they want it now. Every second your site takes to load is one less second they will spend even looking at your website.
Bulletproof Backups
Have you ever worried or even experienced waking up and finding your website missing? Damaged? Hacked? Or even more embarrassing make a mistake and break it? Your heart can start beating out of your chest in those moments. That’s why with this package you get Safe Secure Backups pushed to a stable file storage repository, Amazon S3. Your hosting server could explode, and you’ll have a backup in my care stored on about 15 other servers.
Did you know that it’s common that backups are not included on shared hosting? And even if backups are included they are often stored on the same server? When your server fails, that backup fails as well. We solve this problem for you by storing all your backups on an entirely separate and secure server.
Backups are performed nightly for your database. This is where your content and articles are stored and changes frequently. Your files, such as your template and the WordPress script, those are done on a weekly basis. These files don’t change as often so backups aren’t as frequent. All Backups are stored for 2 weeks, you’ll get to go back in time 2 weeks just in case you didn’t notice a problem right away.
Managed Software Updates – Covers WordPress and Installed Plugins
Have you ever noticed the little warnings about upgrading? Maybe you’ve heard the horror stories of sites that get hacked for not keeping it up to date? Do you feel unsure or scared to do these backups yourself? Stay safe and secure with upgrades performed by a trusted IT professional every month. That’s right they are performed by hand. There is no automated system just magically upgrading your files and breaking everything. I verify we have a good backup, and perform an upgrade, then physically watch and monitor your site to ensure everything is working properly. No more waking up to find a broken site because the robot didn’t upgrade properly.
Did you know that when upgrading your site there is a 10% chance something doesn’t go the way it is intended – and then you need to spend hours repairing everything? We know what were doing, and we solve all those problems for you without you even knowing it.
TurboBoost Speed Enhancement
Did you know that 90% of your visitor’s will leave a site if they don’t find what they need in 10 seconds? What if over half that is spent waiting for your page to load? With TurboBoost your site’s content won’t be limited to one server. The site elements accessed most often will be served through a globally distributed network. Meaning that your clients all over the US, and even all over the world, will get enhanced speed when accessing your website and will stay on your site to read what you’ve to offer them.
Premium Options
Super Vision
I’m human, I’ll tell you that some of my clients don’t think that I am. I’m too efficient to be human. But I do walk away from the computer from time to time. I don’t trust my clients websites to just always run with out a problem. There are a series of bots that will continually check your website to make sure it is operational. If it hiccups for just a moment, I’ll get a notification. I’ll get details sent to my Macbook Pro, iPhone, iPad, and I can immediately find out what is going wrong and make steps to rectify the problem. I treat your website like it’s one of my own children, always keeping it safe.
Laser Protection Grid

Wait a minute, who is Turbo Guy? Internet Medicine Man looks awfully familiar
This is a special security strategy designed by the Internet Medicine Man. This blocks attacks and hacks before they even get CLOSE to your website. This is better than even the firewall plugins on WordPress, because those still run on your system slowing it down and dealing with the hacks. This grid preemptively blocks the hackers before they even get to your site, while letting the good traffic through to enjoy a very fast, smooth, trouble free experience.
Just another beautiful layer of protection. Even an updated and secure website has to deal with the load of hacking attempts that fail. Not if you have the Laser Protection Grid!
Monthly Site Report
In the process of maintaining your website I’m going to have a lot of statistics at my fingertips. Each month I’ll type up a report just for your website. SEO analysis, Ranking Analysis for your Keywords, Speed Analysis, a list of tasks completed on your site, and of course recommendations for all of these. Each month you’ll get a list of the top recommended improvements for your website. It’s easy to get lost in the running of your business, and if I can provide a helpful reminder of ways that you can work ON your business, it’s going to help you run a more successful business online.
This package is designed around a WordPress based website but can be adjusted for X-Cart or other systems.